It liberates every part of your brain and body allowing you to think less about riding and more about the ride. The EFM Automatic Clutch is a centrifugally driven pressure plate that engages and disengages itself automatically based upon engine RPM. It does not matter what or where you ride, be it in the dirt or on the street. Equipped with the EFM Auto Clutch, all you have to do is give it gas and shift. Riding bikes and ATV’s required more of the rider than driving in a car, but using the EFM Auto Clutch is like having an expert set of hands working the clutch for you. This product maximizes the performance of you and your machine allowing you to focus on the other areas of riding. Weather it be enjoying a scenic ride thru twisted side roads, wiggling for a spot on a crowed street during bike night, or coming out of a corner with the perfect balance and traction. The manual lever is still usable in almost all applications so the option to use the clutch manually is still there. That is why, when it comes to bolt-on parts, the EFM clutch SPINS ALONE!
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